Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Some friends

I was in a house, saw my SK friend, Anto, he sat in the middle of the room, his face looked a little bid pink or red.. he seemed shy. And I saw my other SK friend, Anie, she's quarelling with Esther, my university friend.

Saturday, March 05, 2005


I was on a stage where many people were watching me. Then I noticed there were some juries at the very far place from the stage, however their voices were so clear. And one of them asked me whether I can pray and I answered yes. Then he asked me to pray 'Our father' pray in bahasa Indonesia. I started praying but dunno why i cannot remember the words after 'Berilah kami rejeki hari ini'. And I kept silent and some of the people looked so dissappointment and I felt so uneasy. There's one friend of mine among the people (cannot remember who) and he shouted 'hey, i heard that you like to sing, then, just sing the prayer'. I begin to sing the Lords Prayer in Barbara Streisand version heuehue but still i couldnot remember the rest parts after 'Bring us this day our daily bread'.. I felt so ashamed and sad...